==== Controller for Table ====
The **TableController** is a controller which wraps [[http://help.eclipse.org/neon/index.jsp?topic=/org.eclipse.platform.doc.isv/reference/api/org/eclipse/swt/widgets/Table.html|Table control]].
It extends a [[controllers:tabularcontroller|TabularController]].
==== Usage: ====
== Code ==
return row.getEntityMM().getEntityId();
import org.adichatz.common.ejb.util.IEntityConstants
if (#BEAN(editorOutline).hasError(row))
return #IMG(IMG_ERROR_ENTITY.png);
switch (row.getStatus()) {
case IEntityConstants.MERGE:
case IEntityConstants.REMOVE:
case IEntityConstants.PERSIST:
return #IMG(IMG_ENTITY.png);
return String.valueOf(row.getBeanId());
== Overview ==
{{:controllers:table.png |Composite}}
== Explanations ==
|**entityURI="adi://org.adichatz.studio/model/RcpPartMM"**| Gives the type of the entity (EntityMetaModel).|
|**entity="entity="#ENTITY(#BEAN().getRcpPart())"**| Injects and entity in the composite: bean of the new entity is the property rcpPart of the entity injected in the parent controller.|
|** valid="false"**| The controller is not build, the life of cycle ignores the controller and its children. The controller **org.adichatz.studio.xjc.controller.RcpCheckBoxController** manages the validity of the composite.|
|**layoutData="gap left 20"**| Add a margin of 20 pixels.|
|****|Composite layout has one column and components in the composite take all place and grow with composite.|