~~NOTOC~~ Adichatz is built on Rich client Platform: [[http://wiki.eclipse.org/Eclipse4/RCP|Eclipse 4 RCP]]. So, rich features could be added as: * Data binding which is extended to relationships (tables) of an object. * An [[features:data_cache|application data cache]] allows a way to optimize access to the server and provides a support for [[features:lazy_loading|lazy loading]]. You do not have to develop a specific call to the server each time you want to transform the proxy fetched by Hibernate to a real bean. * Consisteny between different editors and in JEE context between different sessions is ensured. * Rich UI components as multi-page, expandable composite or Master/Detail synchronized blocks are offered in standard (see [[http://www.eclipse.org/articles/Article-Forms/article.html|Eclipse Forms]]). * Save and refresh (cancel) actions are associated to validation process and dirty mode. * You can easily add your own actions (button); Actions could be easily disabled or enabled following the status of an entity (Created/Updated...). * Validation procedure drives the save action. As long as an error is encountered, save is not possible. * Adichatz was designed to be [[features:extensibility|extensible]]. {{gallery>rcp?160x160&lightbox&showtitle}} === Features provided by Eclipse RCP could be integrated in an Adichatz Project. === === Editors built by Adichatz tools could be integrated in any Eclipse project. ===