==== Presentation ====
Adichatz Installation contains binary distribution and source distribution. Both are included in Eclipse plugins.
The Adichatz project is licenced under the [[https://cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL-C_V1-en.html|CeCILL-C]] license.
==== Prerequisites ====
* [[http://jdk.java.net/14/|Java]] version 14.
* [[https://www.eclipse.org/downloads/packages/]] Eclipse standard 4.15 for Windows.
* [[http://https://www.postgresql.org//|PostgreSQL]] (recommended) or another RDMBS. Optionnally, test database for PosgreSQL is provided [[https://raw.githubusercontent.com/YvesDrumbonnet/Adichatz-RCP-Update-Site/master/database/test_base_postgres.sql|here]].
* Optionnaly, [[http://wildfly.org/downloads/|Wildfly]] 18.x.x (recommended), [[http://www.jboss.org/jbossas/downloads/|Jboss]], if you want to use an Application Server back-end.
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===== Install from Eclipse Marketplace (1rst option)=====
Start eclipse, then open Marketplace item: Help > Eclipse Marketplace... .\\
{{:get_started:eclipse_marketplace.png?400 |Help > Eclipse Marketplace... .}}
Find adichatz solution and click install.\\
{{:get_started:install_adichatz_marketplace.png?400 |Start eclipse, then open Marketplace item: Help > Eclipse Marketplace... .}}
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{{:get_started:confirm_adichatz_marketplace.png?350 | Select Adichatz features}}
As for Adichatz, use Install Manager
- Select all features.
- Accept license and click Finish.
- Click Install anyway on security warning.
- Restart eclipse.
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===== Use 'drag to install' (2nd option)=====
{{:get_started:drag_eclipse_install.png?400 |}}
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- Start eclipse.
- Open [[https://marketplace.eclipse.org/content/adichatz-building-eclipse-rcp-application-easily|Adichatz page in Eclipse marketplace]] with your web browser.
- Drag button inside your eclipse workspace.
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===== Install from Eclipse update site (3rd option)=====
{{:get_started:install_adichatz.jpg?400 |}}
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- Start eclipse, then start the Install Manager: Help > Install new software... .
- in the "Work with" field, paste https://yvesdrumbonnet.github.io/Adichatz-RCP-Update-Site/update and hit enter.
- Select Adichatz Application Development then hit next...
==== Next steps ====
After you have installed Adichatz, you can follow these steps.
* Install a SQL database (MySql recommended).
* Install an Application Server (optional). Wildfly 18.0.x is recommended, see [[install_as|Application Server installation]].
* Read the complete get_started document you will find [[http://www.adichatz.org/document/GettingStarted.pdf|here]] and try examples.
* Look for information on this site.
* Generate and launch your first application (2 minutes).
* Customize the generated application.
* ...