Adichatz provides an original and easy to use solution for testing UI components.
* Based on [[|TestNG]] testing framework.
* Launched automatically or on-demand from application (Test classes can be updated and relaunched).
* Can easily simulate users actions.
* Results are displayed and interpretable in specific editor.
==== How to test ====
=== Step 1: Add 'org.adichatz.testing' plugin ===
**org.adichatz.testing** plugin must be added to application environment.
* Open file $projectDirectory/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF.
* add line org.adichatz.testing, in Require-Bundle item.
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If you try to relaunch the application, an error must occur.\\
java.lang.RuntimeException: No application id has been found.
{{tutorial:add_testing_manifest.png?400 |Add 'org.adichatz.testing' plugin}}
To overcome this problem, follow instructions below:
* Select Run > Run configurations....
A new window is open, then:
* Select Plug-ins tab.
* Select Add Required Plug-ins button.
* In the same window, select Run button.
{{tutorial:add_required_plugins.png?500 |Add required plugins}}
An other way is to add missing plugins inside {plugin}/{projectName}.product file:
* org.apache.ant.
If you decide to add missing plugins inside {plugin}/{projectName}.product file, thing to delete these lines before exporting project.
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=== Step 2: Create a Test class ===
A test case is composed of one or several Java classes with one ore several annoted methods.\\
Below, a simple Test class is described.
Create java class in package org.mycompany.myproject.testing.
package org.mycompany.myproject.testing;
import org.adichatz.engine.e4.core.PartCore;
import org.adichatz.engine.e4.part.BoundedPart;
import org.adichatz.engine.e4.resource.E4SimulationTools;
import org.adichatz.engine.simulation.SimulationTools;
import org.adichatz.testing.AdiAssert;
import org.adichatz.testing.TestingTools;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
public class MyFirstTest {
public void test() {
// Select Option queriesMenus/filmQuery in navigator "groupNavigator" and return a part.
BoundedPart filmQueryPart = E4SimulationTools.handleNavigatorOpenPartItem("groupNavigator", "queriesMenu", "filmQUERY");
// check that part is active.
TestingTools.testInfo("QueryForm with query 'filmQUERY' is active.");
PartCore filmQueryCore = filmQueryPart.getGenCode();
// Launch query in filmQuery part.
SimulationTools.handleContextMenuAction(filmQueryCore, "tableCM:contextMenu", "launchQueryAction");
This test opens a QueryForm editor and launch a query to supply rows to the Table Controller contained in the editor.
* Line 12: @Test annotation points out a method to be launched by TestNG.
* Line 15: Simulates selection of Query Film in navigator.
* Line 22: Executes launchQueryAction item in context menu.
A more complex Test class which checks databinding between Entity editors could be seen [[testing_extensive|here]].
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=== Step 3: Create a file $projectDirectory/resources/xml/AdichatzTesting.xml as follow ===
You need to add an simple entry in file $projectDirectory/resources/xml/AdichatzTesting.xml as shown below:
A testing
* Line 1: means: A testing menu is added to existing navigators at runtime. The menu is expanded.
* Line 2: A suite test case is created. The suite is expanded and is not launched automatically during the application startup process.
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=== Step 4: Execute and reexecute tests ===
{{tutorial:testing_execute.png?400 |Execute a test}}
To execute or reexecute a test case, click on the corresponding item (my first test).
* when a test fails, a specific editor was created for reporting test results and is automatically open.
* Changes done on Test classes in Eclipse IDE are directly considered without relaunching the application.
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=== Step 5: Show results ===
{{tutorial:testing_results.png?600 |Display Testing results}}
A specific editor was created for reporting test results. By default, it is automatically open when a test fails.
* A tree is used to report results.
* Level Run: Displays the label of the suite or of the used testNG xml file.
* Level Suite: Displays onStart event with main features: duration, sucesses, failures....
* Level Class: Display label for class or onFinish event.
* Level Test: Reports main features or the Test (a method with annotation @Test): duration, sucesses, failures...
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=== Tools ===
Testing menu provides Testing tools options as shown below:
{{tutorial:testing_tools.png?600 |Testing tools}}
* Testing result manager: Opens and editor for reporting test results.
* Display register for active editor: Display in the consol part all the entries of register for the active editor. These entries are used in Test class for naming controllers.
* Refresh testing menu: Refresh current Testing menu. Changes made on IDE can be seen without having to quit the application.