Table of Contents

Run Eclipse Application

At the root of your project, select the file called {YOUR_PROJECT_NAME}.product Right-click, then : Run As / Eclipse Application Alt+XShift+X, E

Run Application

Before running the application, database and application server (JEE context) must be started up.
(The first launch could fail due to a “missing constraint”, in which case cancel the launch and restart it once. see Eclipse bug 559196).

Start a Query editor

Launch query

A context menu provides several options.

  • Select launch the query from the context menu (right-click).

Outline panel provides:

  • Pagination.
  • Query parameters management.
  • Cross-references access.
  • A way to store or to retrieve your preferences for the query.

Select a row the Double-click on it.
A new editor opens…

Start a Entity editor

Entity editor

Three tabs at the bottom/left of the editor allow:

  1. Edit Edit detail of the entity.
  2. Dependencies: In only one page, you can manage all the depending entities (OneToMany or ManyToOne relationship).
  3. filmText: Edit the unique entity filmText linked to the current film (OneToOne relationship).

Click on Dependencies tab.

Entity editor

  • You can choose the kind of dependencies by using tab folder.
  • Master / Detail feature offers to execute CRUD operation on any dependency.
  • Field first name is empty so that an error is fired.
  • Editor, section and table have dirty status.