Controller for Grid

The GridController is a controller which wraps Grid. It extends a TabularController.



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<includeTree xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="">
    <grid rowHeaderVisible="true" sortedColumn="customerIdTC" entityURI="adi://myproject/model.customer/CustomerMM" id="table">
            <crossReference entitySetId="rentals" description="#MSG(customer, rentals)" axmlDetailURI="adi://myproject/model.rental/RentalDI" axmlTableURI="adi://myproject/model.rental/RentalTI" axmlQueryURI="adi://myproject/model.rental/RentalQUERY"/>
            <crossReference entitySetId="payments" description="#MSG(customer, payments)" axmlDetailURI="adi://myproject/model.payment/PaymentDI" axmlTableURI="adi://myproject/model.payment/PaymentTI" axmlQueryURI="adi://myproject/model.payment/PaymentQUERY"/>
        <include adiResourceURI="#PARAM(CONTEXT_MENU)" id="tableContextMenu"/>
        <gridColumn property="customerId" pattern="######" sorted="true" id="customerIdTC"/>
        <gridColumnGroup text="coordinates" expanded="true" headerFont="#FONT(JFaceResources.HEADER_FONT)" headerWordWrap="false" id="coordinates">
            <gridColumn summary="true" property="store" sorted="true" id="storeTC">
                <columnText>return null != #ROW().store ? #MSG(customer, store) + &quot;:&quot; + #ROW() + &quot; - &quot; + #ROW() + &quot; (&quot; + #ROW().store.staff.lastName + &quot;)&quot; : &quot;&quot;;</columnText>
            <gridColumn property="address" sorted="true" id="addressTC">
                <columnText>return null != #ROW().address ? #ROW().address.address + &quot; - &quot; + #ROW(); + &quot; - &quot; + #ROW() : &quot;&quot;;</columnText>
        <gridColumn property="firstName" sorted="true" id="firstNameTC">
            <columnBackground>return !row.isActive() ? #COLOR(SWT.COLOR_YELLOW) : null;</columnBackground>
        <gridColumn property="lastName" sorted="true" id="lastNameTC">
            <columnBackground>return !row.isActive() ? #COLOR(SWT.COLOR_YELLOW) : null;</columnBackground>
        <gridColumn property="email" sorted="true" id="emailTC"/>
        <gridColumn property="active" pattern="CHECK_ONLY" sorted="true" id="activeTC"/>
        <gridColumn property="createDate" sorted="true" id="createDateTC"/>
        <gridColumn property="lastUpdate" sorted="true" id="lastUpdateTC"/>

renders the following layout:
 Grid controller


  • Line 3 - rowHeaderVisible=“true”: a row header continaing line number is visible on the left of the grid.
  • Line 10 - <gridColumnGroup text=“coordinates”…: Column can be grouped and a toggle gives a way to expand or to collapse group of columns.
  • Line 11 - <gridColumn summary=“true”…: When <gridColumnGroup collapses, this column is displayed.
  • Lines 12 and 15: Return computed value for store and address.
  • Lines 19 and 22: Background is Yellow when customer is not valid.

<columnText>return null != #ROW().address ? #ROW().address.address
                + &quot; - &quot;  + #ROW()
                + &quot; - &quot;  + #ROW() : &quot;&quot;;</columnText>

is equivalent to

if (null != customer.getAddress())
	return customer.getAddress().getAddress() + " - "  
	     + customer.getAddress().getCity().getCity() + " - "
	     + customer.getAddress().getCity().getCountry().getCountry();
    return "";

So, this grid controller works with query containing all needed jointures. E.g. use example query described in page complete query.

2020/04/16 10:56